NIR Microscope Applications

NIR microscope design

SM-1 NIR Microscope

UV Microscope Applications

SM-1 UV Microscope

NIR microscope image of bonded silicon device

NIR microscope image of interior circuits of bonded silicon device

NIR microscope image of security document

NIR microscope image of currency

The NIR microscope is designed to image in regions beyond the visible range. While the usable spectral range of this microscope covers the ultraviolet, visible and NIR regions, their optics and light sources are optimized so that they are more effective in the NIR region. As such, there are many uses for NIR microscopes as they can non-destructively image microscopic samples in regions other than the visible.

Pharmaceutical & Biology

NIR fluorescence of biological samples

Pharmaceutical quality control

Active ingredient dispersal imaging

Contaminant analysis

Cellular Imaging

Moisture Imaging

Semiconductor & Displays

Locating defects within bonded silicon wafer devices

Quality control of diode lasers

Materials research

Carbon nanotube imaging

Microfluidic Device Development

Polymer microimaging


Mineral imaging

Petroleum analysis

Art & Forensics

Imaging reused canvases

Security Imaging

And more...


UV-visible-NIR microscopes, UV-visible-NIR microspectrometers and Raman microspectrometers are general purpose laboratory instruments. They have not been cleared or approved by the European IVD Directive, the United States Food and Drug Administration or any other agency for diagnostic, clinical or other medical use.